Shipping Demos
(Load In) 8 AM- 5PM on Tuesday, August 5th, 2025.
Heavy Equipment/forklift Required Exhibitors- 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
General Exhibitor - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The AME pre-paid for two hours of Fork Truck service so there are no forms or payments necessary to use this service when using personal/work vehicles. Simply flag down a driver and let them know what you need. Please be patient as there will be many requests. This service DOES NOT COVER single loads of 4,000lbs or greater.
(Load Out) 3:00 PM -7:00 PM on Thursday, August 7, 2025.
** There is a staggered Load Out Schedule. Please Read. **
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM vendors that do NOT need Fork Truck are allowed to access the loading docks. These should be simple and quick loads utilizing personal/work vehicles and trailers.
4:15 PM – 6:00 PM vendors utilizing third party shipping/freight handlers or vendors that need Fork Trucks utilizing personal/work vehicles and trailers are allowed access the loading docks. If you fall into this category and you arrive before 4:15 PM you will not be allowed to enter and will be redirected and staged along Michigan St. and Scribner (see maps below)
There will be Staff at the Loading Dock doors as well as Staff to direct traffic. This can be a challenge to coordinate so please listen to and respect these Staff Members.
The Forklift Services are free by AME If you bring your own demos in a Company-Owned, Private, or Rental Vehicle and they arrive at the scheduled times; otherwise, you will need to pay ArtCraft. Demos need to weigh less than 4K.
Storage Fees NEW to AME 2025:
Storage fees are being implemented by the venue. Sending shipment well in advance or extended stays post show will result in a charge. Please see the freight handling form in the Art Craft Exhibitor Kit.
If you are shipping anything (UPS, FedEx, DHL, freight company, or shipping of any kind, you need to fill out the Shipping Freight From below.
Third party fright companies MUST provide a Bill of Lading with weights, sizes, counts, and descriptions, no matter what time they arrive. These shipments are considered freight. If you don’t have a Bill of Lading, ArtCraft will create a bill of lading and charge you the round-trip freight handling per shipment. Below is the ArtCraft Exhibitor kit with the shipping information starting on page 15. You must fill out the appropriate Freight Handling forms.
Loading docks
The Red dot marks the loading docks for DeVos Place. NO LEFT TURN from Michigan St. into the loading docks.
What about oversized vehicles or vehicles with trailers?
After you unload your materials on the 10th, the DeVos Place staff working the bay doors on Michigan Ave. will give you the map and the permit you see to the right to park your vehicle on Scribner as the map shows. Only oversized vehicles that will not fit in city parking ramps will qualify for this street parting permit.
ARt Craft Contact:
Art Craft Display
3140 3 Mile Rd NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534
If you have questions, please contact us at: